Since our last bake sale was incredibly successful, the Social Justice Squad decided to have another one! The theme for this bake sale was Valentine's day and donations went to two different causes. All money donations went to the Ride to Conquer Cancer and all clothing donations went to Safe Houses in North Vancouver as well as Vancouver.
The bake sale was going to be on Valentine's Day, which was a Thursday, so we decided to make the dough on Tuesday and let it chill so that we could bake the cookies on Wednesday. The staff of Mountainside were also very generous and donated lots of treats for our bake sale. Once the bake sale began everyone was quite keen to donate what they could for our fundraiser. With the amount of donations we were getting, our bake sale ended up being more successful than our first one! We immediately wrote a cheque for Jane Weller, who is a teacher that is going to participate in the Ride To Conquer Cancer, and she was thrilled with our donation.
SJS members giving Jane our donation! |